Are you looking for an emergency veterinarian in Huntersville? We found 4 veterinary clinics in Huntersville, North Carolina. Browse the best vets in Huntersville for your pet.
Our specialty veterinary services go above and beyond traditional veterinary care. We work closely with your regular veterinarian every step of the way, and also offer emergency services 24/7 for times when they are unavailable.
Visit ClinicWe offer a comprehensive range of veterinary services in Huntersville, including preventive exams and vaccinations, surgical procedures, rehabilitation and in-house diagnostics. We take a preventive approach to veterinary care, meaning we’ll make it our mission to keep disease and injury from occurring in the first place.
Visit ClinicIf you’re tired of being treated like just another number, we invite you to experience the difference of our compassionate, personalized care. We’re sure that once you do, you’ll want to call us your Huntersville / Cornelius vet for life!
Visit ClinicAt Carolinas Veterinary Care Clinic we are proud to offer our expertise to a variety of pets including dogs, cats, birds, ferrets, rabbits, guinea pigs, reptiles, small mammals, pigs, and many more. Whether your pet is in need of grooming, boarding, emergency vet care, surgery, dentistry, nutritional supplies, or just a health check up and vaccinations- we are the one-stop-shop for all your pets needs.
Visit ClinicPet emergencies are one of a pet owner's biggest fears. However, once you're in the middle of a pet emergency, it's important to be able to find an emergency vet near you. Luckily, Pet Vets 247 is here to help! To find an emergency vet near you, here's what you need to do.
As a general rule, cities and towns with fewer than 50,000 people have limited emergency pet resources. So, if you go to your local vet clinic and your emergency is bigger than what they can handle, they will send you to the nearest emergency clinic anyways.
The advantage of going directly to one of the emergency clinics on our list is that they're often available 24/7 every day of the year. Emergency vet clinics also have skilled staff on hand that is accustomed to all manner of emergencies.
Once you know which clinic is closest to you, you should give them a call and alert them that you're inbound. Even larger clinics and hospitals prefer when you give them a heads up so they can prepare to receive you. Depending on your pet's emergency, they may have to call in off-duty vets or for additional support.