Parker Road Veterinary Hospital

707 Parker Rd

Wylie TX 75098


Emergency Hours

Monday – Friday
8:00AM – 6:00PM
8:00AM – 12:00PM

Our facilities include: a large waiting room for our clients comfort and convenience, five animal examination rooms, an in-house laboratory, a federally accredited coggins testing laboratory, pharmacy, small animal surgical prep and dental suite, two small animal surgical suites as well an equine recovery room, equine stocks, equine stalls, and an isolation ward. We also have two ambulatory trucks that are fully equipped for equine emergency and routine farm calls.

Before you leave you should give Parker Road Veterinary Hospital a call at 972-442-6523 and alert them that you are inbound. Even larger clinics and hospitals prefer when you give them a heads up so they can prepare to receive you. Depending on your pet's emergency, they may have to call in off-duty vets for additional support.

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